
Looking Forward to Our Consultation.

We are excited to meet with you in the near future meanwhile enjoy this videos and read more about the type of ponds, pondless and water features we can build for you, as you will be able to see there is unlimited options and sizes to fit your style and space.

If you find a particular project you like let us know just tell us the video name and the time it appears on, that will help us understand more the type of water feature you are interested in.



Did you know…. 

  • Natural landscapes have a healing effect on the human body and can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, according to the sustainable sites initiative, standard and guidelines prelimanry report.
  • Ecosystem ponds inlcude a balance of aeration, filtration, plants, fish, rock and gravel.
  • Ecosystem ponds are designed ti de low maintenance, allowing you more time to relax and enjoy your beautiful water feature with friends and family.
  • Water features attract birds, butterflies and many other nature creatures, and come in a variaty of types and styles, perfect for any budget or landscape!
  • Pondless Waterfalls, also referred to as dissapearing waterfalls/cascades, are simply a re-circulting waterfall and/or stream without the presence of a pond.
  • The number one reason people add a waterfall to their landscape is to enjoy the shooting douns of running water.

Imagine stepping outside your home into your very own backyard oasis, complete with a beautiful water feature. Sit back and listen to the shooting sounds of running water as you enjoy the enchanting sights of nature. Feel the cares of the world slip from your shoulders as you experience your personal vacation spot!

  • pend more quality time with family outdoors.
  • Enjoy the delight of your childrens as the explore nature, up close and personal.
  • Gather and entertain friends and family outside near your beautiful water feature.

You’ll wonder what took so long to discover and enjoy the water feature lifestyle!


Why a fountainscape…. 

  • Fountainscape provide the same benefits of any moving water feature.
  • Decorative water features include beautiful containers water garden, patio ponds, bubbling urns and refreshing fountains that incorporate an in-ground reservoir.
  • Fountainscapes are very safe while enhacing the looks of any space, this makes them ideal for commercial spaces as well.
  • This type of water features are the mot energy efficient you can run them 24/7 or couple hours any time of the day as well as adding an app controller to create timers and the ability to turn them on and off on demand.

Most water features can be isntalled in as little as one day and the amount of space needed is minimal, maintenance is very minimal as well.


LED Lighting…. 

  • Enjoy your water feature at night.
  • Create that extra ambience while enjoying your space.
  • LED lighting consumes minimal electricity.
  • LED 12v Low voltage lighting doesn’t require special permits and is safer than high voltage.
  • LED ususlly last 10x times the life spam of halogen.

We alway offer lighting packages in all of  our features as an additional option since the best time to install them is while the feature is been build, this is the time we can offer you the best cost possible.


Want the complete package…

  • Landscping around your pond will soften and give you that amazing natural look ponds can have.
  • Using the right plants will increase the amount of birds, butterflies, dragon flies your water feature will attract.
  • Some plants will help shading your pond.

We can design and install the landscape around your pond to give you a complete finished project.


Why the aquascape approach….

  • Aquascape is the largest distributor of pond products in the world.
  • Aquscape spends resources in educating and teaching contractor the proper way to build, maintain and balance a biological system.
  • Aquascape offer the best support should any problem arises.

After decades installing, maintaining and repairing ponds we have come to the conclusion that aquascape offers the best products, support and education for the type of ponds our clients ask for, we strongly believe in working with nature not against it, our ponds are designed with enjoyment, relaxation and beauty in mind, while minimizing the maintenance, equipment and space needed.




Protect your fish…

  • A fish cave provides shelter for your fish to swim to in the event they need to run away from a predator.
  • Heron are the most common cause of missing fish in your pond.
  • Raccons are also creatures that pray on your fish.

While a fish cave will not be a 100 percent preventive method for this creatures to get to your fish they greatly increase the success rate when it comes to keeping your pets safe, we need to implement  this at the same time as we build the pond and will be almost non detectable to the naked eye, a normal fish cave starts at $400.00 


Ultimate filtration…

  • A wet land is the best alternative for a medium to large size pond filtration and water clarity.
  • Doesn’t need large pumps to operate since slow flow is the best way to operate them.
  • Will be undetactable if properly build.
  • Can be integrated into the pond is sapce is a concer.
  • Will take couple of season before you need to clean it and building it properly even that proccess is easialy acchivable.

When it comes to water filtration and clarity a wet land is hard to beat specially when it comes to large bodies of water, the size of it is generally 10%-20% the surface area of the pond, is pretty much a large biofalls where beneficial bacteria will feed from nutrients in the water while passes trough multiple layers of rock and gravel, where the end result is almost a cristal clear water coming out if it, wet lands are not a small up front investment for your pond and have to be properly build for them to work and be serviceable othwerwise you’ll end with a system that will not perfor as inteded but will also become a problem as well. 

Vertical Elements

Landscaping Around fish pond

Make it unique…

  • Complete unique look
  • Create a bigger sound and ambiance with this added elements

Fountainscapes can be incorporated inside your pond for a one of a kind water feature, with many options and designs the possibilities are endless, can be run as desired at any given time. Let us know if you’d be interested in adding this to your pond.